CC 310 & 315 Cover


Edited Transcript

Greetings to students in CC 310 and CC 315. My name is Russell Feldhausen. And I’ll be covering for Emily this week while she is out of the office. My contact information is here Feel free to get in touch with me if you have any questions. Basically, everything should be pretty much the same this week as normal. If you need any help, please email the course email help address that is cc310-help or cc315-help. That goes to me It also goes to your instructor and any other TAs that we have anytime we teach these courses. So please continue to use those email addresses if you have any questions. Just like your normal instructor, Emily, I will try and respond within one business day. Hopefully it should be a lot faster. But I usually guarantee a response within one business day. If you get really stuck and you need more help than I can do via email. I can work with you to schedule some time for us to meet with via Zoom. And then of course once Emily gets back, I will collaborate with her to make sure she is filled in on all of the stuff that we have done while she’s been gone. Probably the one thing I won’t do is answer any grading questions on previous stuff. I will leave that for her to answer. The questions on any projects that you’re currently working on. I’d be happy to help you out. So that’s all I’ve got. I just wanted to introduce myself real quick so you know who you’re talking to this week. If you have any questions please email and let me know otherwise I’m rooting for you, best of luck and I will look forward to working with you this week.