Fall '21 Week 2


Edited Transcript

Hello, and welcome to the week two announcements video for CC 410 in Fall 2021, so this week today should be wrapping up module one and the Hello real world project. Those are both due today, make sure the Hello real world project that you get your submission posted on GitHub, and then send me the link for the release tag that you make in GitHub. It’s all explained in that project. So that should be pretty easy to do. Also, this week, I’d like to meet with each of you regarding your final project. So just jump online on my calendly link and schedule a time with me sometime this week. I will warn you that I’m out of the office on Thursday, I’m out doing some stuff around town in Kansas City that day. So I’m not available on Thursday. But I do still have a lot of openings on Friday, so I can meet with you then. I’ve also got times today, Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon.

So this week, you’re going to be starting into module two, which is the object oriented programming module. Here, we’re going to actually start building our long term restaurant project throughout the semester. And we’re going to start by building a lot of objects that make up the items of the menu in that project. So hopefully, this is a really good introduction to object oriented programming, especially if you’ve been doing work in Python, we’re really going to dig deeply into object orientation. It’s also a lot of stuff that’s useful for Java developers.

Some other updates. Don’t forget, we have a discord channel for this class. So you’re more than welcome to chat with me there. You can also send me emails to the cc410-help email address, and I’d be happy to answer those there. As you’re getting your projects graded, you’ll notice for the Hello real world project when I graded over the next couple of days, that there will be some comments left in the rubric on Canvas. But then I’ll also leave a bunch of code comments on GitHub in the feedback pull requests. So I believe when I leave those comments, you’ll get an email to your GitHub account. But if you go to the pull requests and look for the feedback pull request, you should see a whole thread of me going through and leaving code comments on your code. That’s one of the big things I will do throughout the semester. Otherwise, it seems like everything is going really well. I haven’t heard a lot from any of you. So hopefully that means so far, so good. But as always, if you have any questions, let me know.

And then don’t forget this week, you’re going to start working on the first milestone for this class. Each of these project milestones can be kind of lengthy. I’ve seen in previous semesters, students spend anywhere from three to eight hours or more on each of these milestones. So make sure that you’re allocating enough time for them. This first milestone is a lot of boilerplate code, setting up your packages, your classes, methods, attributes, things like that. You can also make things on you easier later by doing some style and documentation. Now, although we’ll spend more time in the next few chapters, talking about specifically how to do good documentation and style, but you can do some things right now to make it easier. In my model solution for last semesters project that was very similar to this one, it was around 1500 to 2500 lines of code depending on how you write your code. So it is a pretty large project. This already is bigger than most of the projects you’ve done up to this point in this program. So make sure you leave yourself enough time to work on this project. And as always, if you have any feedback about this project, or the instructions that you follow to build this project, please let me know it’s a brand new class, I’m always looking for ways to improve it.

But other than that, looking ahead, we’ve got the next few modules already lined out. Module three, we’ll be talking about documentation and unit testing. module four, we’ll talk all about inheritance and how we can refactor our existing code to take better advantage of object oriented programming paradigm. And then module five, we’ll talk about debugging and logging and some other topics. And then module five, you also do the final project second meeting, and that takes us through the end of September and into early October. So that’s where we’re at in this class. As always, if you have any questions, let me know. Otherwise, I wish you good luck this week and I look forward to meeting with you all about your final projects.