Fall '22 Week 2


Edited Transcript

Hello, and welcome to the week two announcements video for CC 410 in fall 2022. So you should be wrapping up module one this week, which includes the Hello real world project and the first final project meeting. If you haven’t done that already, please take a minute to schedule a time to meet with me using my Calendly link. So we can talk about the final project in this class and just answer any questions you might have about what’s going on.

This week, you’ll be working on the second module, which is all about object oriented programming. We’ll go through a long form example of how to use object oriented programming that really closely matches what you’ll be doing in the restaurant project. And then you’ll start working on the first milestone in the restaurant. This is generally the rhythm that we’re going to go through this semester where we’ll start with a textbook content that introduces some things, then you’ll have a long example video about an hour long of me talking through and doing some of the coding on a sample project. And then you’ll be doing something similar to the sample project in the restaurant project itself. So hopefully, it works out really well. So some quick updates on this class. Don’t forget, there’s a discord channel that all of you have introduced yourself in. So make sure you go check that out. If you have any questions, you can also email the cc410-help email address.

The grading in this course, you’ll start seeing grades for the Hello real world project come in in the next couple of days. The rubric itself will be on Canvas, so you can see where you lost points there. And then I’ll also go into GitHub. And I will give comments on the GitHub feedback pull request. Please do not close that poll requests. We want to leave that open throughout the semester. So it’s really important that you leave that alone, and I will just continue to add comments to it throughout the semester. Other than that, hopefully things are going well. If you have any questions you can let me know.

For the first milestone we’re talking about packages and classes is specifically we’re going to create classes and packages for all of the menu items in the restaurant. A lot of this is boilerplate code. So once you get one menu item done, you can easily copy and paste and kind of transition that code to all the other menu items. If you want to make things easier later, you can do style and documentation. Now, if not, we’ll start enforcing that in the next couple of milestones. This milestone I estimate takes between three to eight hours to complete depending on your comfort level with the programming language that you’re working in. My model solution from a couple of semesters ago was around 1500 to 2500 lines of code, I’ve reduced the size of this milestone just a little bit, so I’d expect it to be on the lower side of that. But that’s about where you’re shooting for. For a lot of you coming out of the CC courses, this is going to be a much larger project than you’re used to. But the code itself isn’t that complex, and a lot of it is repeated. So don’t let that number of lines of code really scare you too much. And as always, feedback is welcome. So if you have any questions on the milestone or anything is unclear, please let me know. And I’d be happy to answer that for you.

Looking ahead to the rest of this class. Once we get past this module, we’ll spend Module Three on documentation and unit testing. Module Four is all about inheritance and polymorphism. And we’ll spend some time refactoring our code to use take advantage of that. And then the module after that is all about debugging, logging and lambda expressions, which is also very interesting in this project. And then once we get toward the end of September, you’ll have a second final project meeting with me, where we’ll actually start talking about Project topics and see what might fit. So that’s all I’ve got for you this week. Good luck on the first restaurant milestone as always, if you have any questions, let me know and I will see you next week.