Fall '22 Week 9


Edited Transcript

Hello, and welcome to the week nine Announcements video for CC 410 in fall 2022. This week, you should have wrapped up a module on design patterns and test doubles as well as done an example around that. This week, all you’re going to be doing is working on restaurant milestone six, which is one of the two really big milestones in this class. So you’ve got an entire second week to work on it. Once you get that submitted, you’ll also be working on final project. So make sure you’re starting to schedule your final project three milestone as well.

So milestone six for the restaurant is very large, where we’re going to add a lot of new functionality on the back end, working with orders and combos. To do that, we’re going to explore a lot of different design patterns, such as the factory method pattern, the builder, singleton and iterator patterns. And then to test all that you’re going to write a lot of unit tests using test doubles to confirm the functionality. However, this milestone doesn’t include many GUI changes, we’re actually going to wait and add all of the combos and orders to the GUI in milestone seven, which requires a lot of GUI changes. And then we’ll finally add in the ability to do checkout as well.

So like last week, some quick tips for milestone six, I recommend starting with the orders first. So get the orders class working and get the order number singleton working. Once you get orders figured out then trying to add combos. If you did things correct in the orders with the base menu or the base item class, then the combos should work really well. That’s a lot of different work. And then you’ll need to write unit tests for these. Finally, once you get all of those working, then you can work on the panel factory. All three of these are kind of independent and unique things you can work on. And so it really works to do them separately, make sure they work completely before you move on to the next one. And then of course, don’t forget to document your code and fix your style as you go so that you don’t have to do that at the end.

So again, in this milestone, we’ll run into some testing issues due to limited memory and co do I think most everybody got this fixed on the previous milestone, but if not a quick reminder, in Java, you can stop a running Gradle daemon using Gradle dash dash stop and then restart the box and refresh the browser. And in Python, we’re just going to update our tech our tox.ini file to run tests in batches. Or of course, you can work on developing outside of Codio. Easier said than done, but I’m happy to help if you’d like to get that setup.

So once we get past this milestone and the next milestone with Checkout, then we’ll start working on working in API’s working on the web. We also talk a little bit about external libraries and releases in the next couple of weeks. I think those are really exciting as well. So hopefully milestone six goes well. Don’t forget to do basically next Monday for most of you. So hopefully this isn’t your experience on Sunday where you feel Monday crashing down on you. As always if you have any questions with this milestone, let me know and I look forward to seeing you next week.