Fall '22 Week 14


Edited Transcript

Hello, and welcome to the week 14 Announcements video for CC 410 in fall 2022. This week you should be wrapping up your fourth Final Project milestone which is involved, just meeting with me and making sure that your final project is on track to be done by the end of the semester. The second concept quiz is also done due this Friday. So make sure you can set aside about three hours to work on that. The concept quiz there is mostly about design patterns and using mocks in your unit tests. And it’s really just meant to check your understanding of the higher level concepts and theories that we’re working on in this class. As always, with the concept quizzes, do your best on the code, as long as you’ve got the right idea, I’ll give you most of the points and it is completely open book, open notes, open project. So make sure you have all your code available to you. But it is time limited. So you need to work on it pretty quickly and during a single time block to make sure you get it all done.

Then next week, we’ll have the rest example and the restaurant 10 milestone which will be due next week. And then you should keep working on final project this week and next week so that you’re done with it by the end of the semester. So for milestone 10, you’ll be building a RESTful web application that allows you to add custom menu items to our list. This also reinforces some of the design patterns like the iterator pattern and the singleton pattern. It’s very similar to the movie database that we’re working in in the examples. However, instead of using movies, we’re going to add custom menu items using the item interface. And then of course, you’ll update the UML diagram to include some of these new classes and new things that you’re doing inside of the milestone itself. So for next week, we’ll have an example on serialization and form validation. And then they’ll also be a restaurant milestone that is due the Monday of finals week on validation and serialization. And then of course, you should keep working on the final project.

And then the rest of the semester, there are a couple of things due at the end of finals week. Mainly, it’s the extra as quiz for the textbook. And then there is a final project module that is due also on the 16th. So for your final project, you’ve been meeting with me throughout the the entire semester. So hopefully that’s going well.

The deliverables for your final project are to create a release tag on GitHub with your code, just like we’ve been doing, make sure you read the requirements page for your final project and that you’re meeting most or all those requirements. Your code should have documentation in it so that I can understand how it works and what it does. I really encourage either adding a readme file to your project or some user documentation so I can understand how it works. And then you will give a presentation that goes over the code of your project and gives a demo of it actually working.

The presentation itself should be around 30 minutes in length, you can either pre record a video and then submit the video on Canvas, or you can schedule a time to meet with me via zoom and present your project live. Either way, if you want to present live, you should schedule a time with me for about 30 minutes. If you choose to pre record the video, what I’d like you to do is schedule a time to meet with me for q&a. So I will watch your video, and then afterwards, I’ll have a chance to ask you some questions about your project. So if you’re presenting live, please schedule 30 minutes. If you’re just doing a q&a, please schedule 15 minutes and make sure that that scheduled after your video is recorded and submitted. And give me at least a little time to watch the video before we get to q&a. The big thing to keep in mind because I’m taking care of the computer science in your project class this semester. My finals week, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday are completely booked for those presentations. So I’ve got a few slots left on Friday for presentations in this class. Otherwise, it would be Monday a finals week or earlier. So you need to be aware of that, you can go ahead and schedule your times now. So if you want to grab a block on my Friday calendar and make sure that that’s available for you, I encourage you to use my Calendly link and do that right now. If you need alternate arrangements, if you need to meet in the evening, or if your schedule changes, something like that, let me know I do have a little bit of availability in a couple of evenings on finals week. So I will work with you to fit that in wherever I need to.

So for your presentation, here’s a quick suggested outline follows most common research papers, you can give an introduction for your project, a background of where you came up with this idea or any related projects you’re aware of. You’ll spend a lot of time talking about the implementation or the code of your project, you can show some slides, you can pull up your source code and walk through it either way, then you’ll give an evaluation of how well you feel like your project met your original goals. You can talk about any future work you intend to do if you want to keep working on the project. And then you should give a conclusion and a demo of your project itself.

So we’re at the end of the semester, there’s not a whole lot left. Hopefully your courage is keeping up and you’re getting everything done that you need to get done. I’ll probably be back next week with one more final Announcements video but there’s not much else to talk about except for tevals and wrap up at the end of the semester. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, let me know and I look forward to seeing you again next week.