Spring '22 Week 4


Edited Transcript

Hello, and welcome to the week for announcements video for CC 410 in spring 2022. So this week, you should be wrapping up the second restaurant milestone, which is all about documentation and unit testing, you should have done an example and then you’ll add a lot of documentation and unit tests as well as a UML diagram to your restaurant project. Hopefully, that’s going well. But if you have any questions at all, feel free to email me and let me know and I’d be happy to help.

This week, you’re going to start working on the next module, which is all about inheritance and polymorphism. It’s a topic you’ve probably covered several times already in object oriented programming, but we’re gonna hit it once more, but this time from a much deeper perspective. And so you’ll do an example on using inheritance in an object oriented program. The rest of this week, you’ll have a survey I’d like you to fill out which is the start-stop-continue survey, it’s a quick chance for me to get feedback from you if there are things you’d like me to start doing in this class or things you’d like me to stop doing in this class. Or if there are things that I’m doing that you want me to make sure I continue to do, you can give me that feedback in that survey. It’s totally optional. I keep it anonymous. But if there’s any feedback you want to give me feel free to do that. You’ll also have a little bit of time this week to start thinking about your final projects, coming up with some ideas that you want to look at.

So this week goes into next week. Next week, you’ll learn about debugging and logging and lambda expressions. You’ll do an example on debugging and logging. And that is where your third restaurant milestone comes in, as well as the second milestone for your final project, which should be scheduled by the end of February. So the third restaurant milestone is all about adding inheritance and polymorphism to your code. It involves refactoring a lot of the stuff that we’ve already done, including updating existing unit tests and adding new unit tests. This milestone also enforces all of the general requirements on the assignments. So you need to pass the style checker, the type checkers, all of those things are enforced just like they were on the Hello Real World project, I give you two weeks to work on this milestone because it is a lot of refactoring. And it can take a little time to work through it. But once you get it done, it’s only about 1500 lines of code that have changed. But it takes a lot more thinking to make sure you get those lines correct, get your unit tests fixed, get your documentation fixed, etc.

So some big hints for this milestone, I encourage you to work in small chunks, try and pick one little feature, get it implemented completely, get it working, and then work on the next feature, the thing you don’t want to do is take apart your entire project and try and do this all in one shot. Because you’re just going to end up with a whole bunch of parts lying around, and nothing that really fits together. So try and work in small chunks. Take advantage of Git, you can commit early you can commit often, if something doesn’t work, you can roll back to a previous commit, it’s really handy. This time, you might also consider trying test driven development, you would have learned about that this week. So you can actually try and write some of your unit tests first, and then change your source code to actually fulfill those unit tests as a way to make sure things are working correctly. One other hint that I do give the order item or the item class, I can’t remember what I call it this semester, I highly recommend implementing that on your base classes. So your base wrap class, your drink class, your side class, that will make things much easier if you inherit that order item interface there, instead of inheriting it on each individual subclass of those base classes. Hopefully that makes sense. I talked about it more in the milestone description. But make sure you read that. The other things you may have some questions on syntax, especially around object oriented programming, and the inheritance and polymorphism and some of the Lambda expressions you have to do in your unit tests. So don’t be afraid to ask questions on syntax. If something’s not clear, I do have a model solution for this that I can look at. And so I know I’ve gotten everything to work at least once. So I can help you with some syntax if you run into trouble there.

Looking ahead after these two modules, then we’ll go into the modules on graphical user interfaces. So module six, and seven will introduce working with GUIs in Java or Python. And we’ll cover a little bit about event driven programming. And then later on in the class, we’ll work on web API’s and libraries and things like that. So that’s all we’ve got going on this week. Hopefully things aren’t on fire for you right now. But I guarantee it as you work through milestone three, there’ll be at least one time where it feels like your project is on fire. But please keep working on it. I know you can get it done. Refactoring is kind of tricky the first time you do it, but it’s really good once you can get it to work. As always, if you have any questions, let me know and I look forward to seeing you again in a week.