Codio Webpages

Edited Transcript

Hi, everyone, I’m hoping I can break the record for quickest turnaround on responses to a question that I got. But I did get a question via the start-stop-continue survey about loading the milestone content on Codio, so that you can see it on a single monitor, especially if you’re using a laptop. So I’m going to show you a couple of things that you can do in Codio to to help out. First I have loaded, this is the Codio restaurant project. And I just added up here all of these options for the different milestones. And so in Codio, one of the things I can do is go to the View menu, and then click panels. And I’m going to split the main panel vertically so that it has two sides, then I can pick my milestone up here, and it will open that milestone in a web browser. And so now you can have your web browser encode do, you’ll be able to see all of the assignment requirements, and then over here, you can open up your files. This is adjustable, just like any other IDE that you’d be used to, you can split the panels. And if you’re done, you can close this. And then you can go to View panels and join with closest, and it will make it go away. So that will work on the milestones for the restaurant project. Hopefully that fixes that. And if you’re loading the restaurant project, I think the next time you reload it, it should show these new buttons up here at the top. If they don’t let me know.

For the examples, it will take me a little bit longer to go through because there are 14 of those. But you can do the same trick with an extra step. And so in any of the examples, I can go to View panels and split. And then over in this panel, I’m just going to click this project index button to load the web browser over here. And then I can go to the textbook and find that milestone or example project. So for example, if you’re on the example project for find the page that you need. And then up here at the top, there’s a button right here that says embed this page. What that will do is that will reopen the web page in this embed link by adding embed.html at the end of it. You can do this on any pages on our textbook. And so I’m just going to copy that URL. I’m going to go back to my Codio project. I’m going to paste that URL in the browser in Codio, and ta-da, I can load the page directly in Codio. Once again, I will go through and add these to the examples it will take me a little while because there are 14 of them. And it takes a little bit of time to do all that. But as a quick sidestep around that you can easily load any webpage inside of Codio, you can do anything in this web browser. It’s pretty easy to play around with. So for those of you that are working on a single monitor or on a laptop, hopefully this is a great workaround so that you can be more productive in Codio.

I have also gotten a couple other questions via the start stop continue survey that I’m going to work on answering. One of them is providing some additional instruction for people who would like to work outside of Codio, and so hopefully in the next week or so I’ll make a set of videos on installing local IDEs, using git to clone into those local IDEs and setting up a development environment outside of Codio in both Java and Python, so watch for those over the next couple of weeks as I get time to work on that. But this one is one I can solve really really quickly. As always, if you have any questions or feedback please let me know I’m more than happy to work with you to make this class is as painless as I possibly can while still being a four credit hour class. So good luck and I look forward to seeing you all again soon.