Spring '22 Week 6


Edited Transcript

Hello and welcome to the week six announcements video for CC 410 in spring 2022. So this week, you should be wrapping up the module on debugging, logging and, lambda expressions and be working on the milestone where you’re adding all of the inheritance and polymorphism into your restaurant project. Hopefully, that’s going okay. If you have any questions, I’ll be available today to answer questions via email or on Discord. But at that point, once you’re done with restaurant milestone three, that wraps up the first module of — the first chunk of this course where we’re working with object oriented programming, and then we’re going to move into graphical user interfaces. Also, this week, you should be scheduling your second final project check in. This is the time where we’re hopefully going to try and lock in on a particular topic for your final project. So you can start thinking about the classes that you’ll need to represent that in your code.

This week, we’re going to shift gears a little bit and move to GUIs, or graphical user interfaces. This module is all about just building the basic structure of a GUI for your program. It’s really simple, it’s not too bad. I will show you one example, based on some of the example projects we’re going to work on. Make sure you read the helpful hints that I give you in the milestone itself. But this is one milestone where you can really be creative. The only thing I really care about on your GUI is that it has the right functionality. And then it’s somewhat follows my structure in the code. But the actual layout and design of the GUI is totally up to you. Feel free to get creative, make it as cool or as interesting or as useful as you think you can. Because you’re going to be building on top of that framework for the next several milestones.

Looking ahead after this, then we’ll get into event driven programming and how we actually make our GUIs responsive to things like button clicks and actions by the user. Module eight, we’re going to cover design patterns and testing mocks, which I think are probably the second most important thing we cover in this class outside of the object-oriented programming concepts. Module nine, you’re going to work on integrating combos into the project as well. And then we’ll go into web API’s and other stuff later on this semester. That’s all I’ve got for this week. Hopefully things are strumming along really well for you. As always, if you have any questions, feel free to let me know and I look forward to talking to you this week or next week about your final projects.