Spring '22 Week 14


Edited Transcript

Hello, and welcome to the Week 14 Announcements video for CC 410 in spring 2022. So this week, you should be scheduling your fourth and final final project meeting with me, we’re going to talk a little bit about using external libraries and API’s and generally just checking to see where you’re at on the project and make sure you’re making good progress. Because we’re getting really close to the end of the semester, you’ll also be continuing to work on the restaurant project. This week, we’re going to talk a little bit about web API’s and RESTful routing. And so you’ll do a quick example of building RESTful routes for your project and implementing that into your restaurant project. And then, of course, I’d like you to continue to work on your final project this week and next week, so we can get it wrapped up by the end of the semester.

So like I said, for milestone 10, we’re going to be converting your web app into more of a RESTful web app. And the way that we’re going to do this is allow you to add custom menu items to your list of menu items. And it’s going to help reinforce some of the design patterns that we’ve already worked with, such as the iterator pattern and the singleton pattern, we’re also going to take this chance to update the UML diagram for your project. So make sure you watch for that. Next week, we’re going to cover a little bit on form validation and also on serialization to a file. This allows us to actually store and persist our custom menu items in our project. Granted in a real web application, you would probably do this to a database. But this is not a databases class. So we’re going to look at file serialization instead. And then you’ll add that to your project, you’ll add some validation and serialization to your restaurant project. That’s the final milestone on the restaurant project, which is due next week. And then again, you’ll keep working on your final project. And then the rest of the semester I have a little extras module in the textbook that just has a quiz to go with it. It’s mainly a bunch of things that I wanted to talk about, but didn’t get a chance to cover anywhere else in the class. So it becomes this potpourri grab bag of a chapter at the end of the textbook, and then during finals week, sometime you will actually be able to present your final project. So let’s talk about that.

This slide lists the deliverables for your final project. First and foremost, make sure your your code is committed to GitHub and that you’ve created a release tag on GitHub for your code. You should also read the requirements page for the final project to make sure your code meets all of the functional and structural requirements for the project. Your code should also have a full set of code documentation. So make sure your docs are created. You can go through the releases example earlier this semester to learn how to deploy that documentation through GitHub Pages, if you so choose. Your project may also need things like a readme and user documentation attached to it. So make sure you’re thinking about that. And then finally, the other major deliverable outside of your project itself is the presentation. So the presentation I want you to plan on giving about a 30 minute presentation, probably not a whole lot shorter than 30 minutes, I’ve had some students go as long as an hour, depending on how complex your project is. And for the presentation, you have the option of either pre recording that presentation or presenting it live to me via zoom, whichever you prefer.

On your presentation, there’s a suggested outline, I suggest you follow you don’t have to follow this outline. But I found that it works really well for presentations. So you start with an introduction. And then you give a background which explains why you chose this project, anything you know about this project, how it relates to your interests, things like that. Then you’ll discuss the implementation of your project, what code structures you use, what libraries you used, what frameworks, you used all of those implementation details, you’ll spend a little bit of time evaluating your work how well did your project actually meet your goals, and are there any things that you would improve, then you’ll have a little slide a future work where mainly this is features that you wanted to add to your project, but didn’t have time. Or if you wanted to continue this project in the summer, these would be the things you’d work on, then you give a quick conclusion. And then finally, you’ll shift over and give a full demonstration of the project showing all of the nifty features and all of the different interactions that it has. So I encourage you to follow this outline if you don’t have another one in mind. But you don’t have to follow this as strictly as I’ve laid it out here. It just gives you a really good place to start.

Going back to your presentation a little bit on one thing you may be aware of I will actually be out of the country during finals week, my family is actually going to Mexico for a short vacation. But I will be working from there for several days during finals week. So it’s looking like I’ll be available either Wednesday or Thursday of finals week for a live presentation. If you want to pre record, you can pre record your presentation and I’ll work with you to get it sent to me via OneDrive or some other methodology. But if you actually want to present to me live on Zoom, your options are on finals week, you can work with me to find a schedule there, or you’re welcome to schedule your presentation the week before finals week. I should be available pretty much anytime that week as usual, and I can watch your presentation there. You can totally give your presentation even if your project is not completely done. But I want you to be pretty close to done and have most of the major functionality figured out before you give your presentation. So if you have any questions or concerns or want to get on my schedule right away for presentations, shoot me an email and let me know and I’d be happy to work with you to get that figured out.

All right, at this point, we’re getting close to the end of the semester. So hopefully you’re not freaking out too much. We’ve just got a couple of weeks left. But there’s not a whole lot left in this class other than a couple of restaurant milestones that are pretty lightweight, and then the final project. As always, if you have any questions, feel free to let me know I’d be happy to chat with you. Otherwise, good luck this week, and I will look forward to seeing you again next week.