Spring '23 Week 2


Edited Transcript

Hello, and welcome to week two of CC 410 in spring 2023. So today you should be wrapping up module one, which includes the Hello real world project. And it also includes the first final project meeting. So if you haven’t done that already, please schedule a time to meet with me via Calendly. Over the next week or so, we’ll talk a little bit about the final project in this class, it gives us a chance to get to know each other, and it opens up that line of communication as you work on your final project throughout the rest of the semester.

This week, you’ll be working on the first big module of the restaurant project, which is all about object oriented programming, you will be creating a lot of objects to represent different menu items for a fictional restaurant. You’ll also do a quick example in object oriented programming following a very similar restaurant style. It’s just a ice cream restaurant. And then the big thing you’re doing this week is the first restaurant milestone which is due next Monday. So some big updates on this class. Don’t forget there is a discord channel, you can go to discord bot.cs stockades.edu. To join it, I think I have seen an invite from everybody there. So hopefully you’re all there.

In terms of grading, you should see grading on the Hello World project later this week. But really, the grading kicks off with the restaurant project next week. There are two places you’ll see comments from you on grading, you’ll see comments on the rubric on campus on Canvas about anything that you missed. And then I’ll go through your code and leave code comments in GitHub under the feedback pull request. It’s very important to remember on the feedback pull request, I will leave the comments. You don’t have to do anything, please do not accept or resolve or close that feedback poll requests. It will continue to update as you make changes throughout the semester. And then I will go in and add additional feedback as you work on the project. So again, don’t do anything with the feedback pull request and GitHub classroom, you can leave it as it is just read through it to see those comments. And then you can work on updating them for your next project. Hopefully other than that things are going so far. So good. I’ve got a couple of questions out there. So I’m working on some updates for this class. And then I will send out an announcement once I get those figured out. But at anytime if you have questions, you can either find me on Discord or email the cc410-help email address and I’d be happy to help there.

So this week, you’re working on restaurant milestone one. This is creating a lot of packages and a lot of classes within your code. Packages are probably something new for a lot of you this semester. So make sure you pay close attention to that. Really a lot of this is just boilerplate code. It is building classes with getters and setters and a few other interactive methods that you’ll use a lot of it’s boilerplate. Things you can do to make things easier later on, you can pay attention to your coding style, and documentation. Those particular requirements are not enforced for these first couple of milestones, but they do get enforced later on. So if you want to make things easier later, you can go ahead and do the style and documentation documentation stuff that we learned in the Hello real world project and add that to your code. Now, that definitely makes the next couple of milestones a lot simpler. For this milestone, I estimate it would take about three to eight hours to code depending on how comfortable you are with this, I will tell you that I wrote the model solution in about an hour for both languages. So it’s definitely not that much code if you’re really efficient about your coding style. But if you’ve never done some of this before, it may require some reading and some different things to actually learn how to put the code together. My model solution was about 1500 to 2500 lines of code depending on how much style and documentation you add to the code as well. And as always, feedback is welcome. If there’s anything on these milestones, that is unclear, please let me know. So I can go through and edit that for future semesters.

Looking ahead to the rest of this class, the next couple of modules are going to introduce some other concepts related to object oriented programming, including documentation and testing, inheritance and polymorphism. And then we’ll talk a little bit about debugging and logging. And we’ll talk about Lambda expressions, which are also really cool. And then once we get through all of those milestones toward the end of February, you’ll have another final project milestone where you’ll check in with me, and we’ll talk a little bit more about the final project in this class. last big thing I’ve got for today is I’m working on some updates for this class, I talked briefly about this in the previous video, what I’m trying to do is pull some of the content forward a little bit, I used to introduce user interfaces, and then I would cover some more content after user interfaces. I’m going to try that backwards this year. And so this year, we’ve got two new modules module six, module seven. module six is on design patterns, which I think is a very, very important part of object oriented programming. And then on module seven, we’re going to learn about test doubles. You might know these as mocks. This allows us to write unit tests that use mock objects instead of just working with the actual objects. And so these are two modules that are not new content, but I’m restructuring it so that it’s earlier in the class, it should work really well. It also splits some of the larger restaurant milestones into smaller milestones.

So those will hit toward the end of February, early March. And that should cover most of the content between now and spring break, and then I’ll work on getting the rest of the content posted sometime later in February. I’ve got some other class updates I need to make before I get back to this class. So as always, if you have any questions or comments, let me know and I look forward to seeing you again next week.