Spring '23 Week 5


Edited Transcript

Hello, and welcome to the week five Announcements video for CC 410 in spring 2023. This week you should be wrapping up the module on inheritance and polymorphism. There’s an example project there. There’s also a Start Stop continue survey that I’d like you to fill out just gives me some quick feedback in the middle of the semester. If there’s anything you’d like me to start doing, stop doing, or make sure I continue doing. And then you’ll also have some time this week to think about your final project, be looking at what we’ve done with the restaurant project so far, and make sure you’ve got an idea that fits within that framework. And then eventually here in the next couple of weeks, you’ll meet with me and we’ll talk a little bit more about final project ideas.

This week, we’re going to have a module that talks about some debugging and logging. We’ll also introduce the concept of lambda expressions, which are something kind of cool in programming you probably haven’t seen before, you’ll do a short example on adding some debugging and logging to existing code. And then we’ll have a restaurant milestone that’s due, as well as the final project milestone that you’ll need to at least schedule a time to meet with me before you can mark that as done. So as a quick reminder, for milestone three, we’re mainly just adding inheritance and refactoring all of our classes, you’ll also need to add some new unit tests. And this is the one that we start to enforce all of the general requirements. So in this milestone, make sure your code passes the style checker, the type checker has all the unit tests has good code coverage, that’s what we’re looking for. You’ll also update your UML diagram to add the associations between all the different classes. This milestone is maybe only about 1500 lines of code changed, but it takes a lot of work to get this to actually work the way you want it to. And as always, feedback is welcome. So if you have any questions or concerns on the milestone, just let me know.

So like I said, last week, the big hints for milestone three, work in small chunks, try and get one piece working like adding one class or one interface and getting all of that working, including the unit tests before you move on. Likewise, take advantage of the fact that we’re using Git and GitHub, you can commit early and commit often, anytime you get something done, you can always roll back even multiple commits to start over. But it’s much easier to do that. And then try and undo any of your code changes manually. You can also try test driven development, you can try to write some of your tests before you actually write the code to pass that test and see if that works. And then of course, I give this big hint, inherit the interface, the item interface on your base classes, not on your individual subclasses. And if you have any questions on syntax, just ask me I’d be happy to help. Looking ahead from here, we’ll start in on module six, which is the new module on design patterns and then followed by test doubles. This is content that used to be after we introduce GUIs. But I pulled it a little bit forward this semester. Hopefully that works well. And then we’ll get to module eight and nine after spring break where we deal with graphical user interfaces and event driven programming. And then we’ll get towards the end of the semester on modules 10 - 11, where we introduce web API’s and a little bit more.

So it sounds like the weather it’s going to be a little bit snowy later this week. So hopefully you enjoy that. But if you’re like Lucy here and you don’t really enjoy snow, hopefully can stay home nice and warm. Unfortunately, I’m going to be driving it a little bit because I get to be on campus later this week for our guest speaker. As always, if you have any questions, let me know and otherwise I will see you again next week.