Spring '23 Week 8


Edited Transcript

Hello, and welcome to the week eight announcements video for CC 410 in spring 2023, so this week, you should be wrapping up the module on test doubles and mock objects, which is one of the other new units we’ve added this semester. You also should have met with me last week probably for the final project. And then you should have completed the first concept quiz in this class, which was due late last week. So this week, we’ll be switching gears a little bit to start working on graphical user interfaces. This week, there’s a basic example of a user interface that you’ll get to work on. And then you work on the six restaurant milestone, which is all about adding a user interface to our existing project. And even though it seems like we already talked about the final project last week, by the time we get back from spring break, I’d like you to schedule another meeting with me to talk about the final project so that we can start talking about how you might add a user interface and some more advanced use unit testing to your project.

So for the sixth milestone, you’re going to create a basic user interface for this project. It’s kind of modeled after a point of sale system. So if you’re at the restaurant, it’s what the cashier uses to take your order, you’ll create the overall structure of the user interface, I will give you one example. And I encourage you to stick kind of close to that example in terms of overall structure. But feel free to get creative. If you want to change the design, the fonts, the shapes, the colors, you know, make it really interesting to you. But also make sure that you focus on usability, I would much rather have a usable interface than one that I can’t figure out even if it looks really good. But this is a place that you can use a little creativity in this class. But like I said, I encourage you to keep the overall structure of the menu panel and the sidebar. But you can really get creative as far as design beyond that.

So looking ahead after this module, the next module, we’ll do some event driven programming, which adds interactivity to our user interface. We’ll spend a couple more modules talking about things like libraries and releases and iterating on our user interface model. And then when we get toward April, we’ll spend some time on web API’s and web interfaces as well.

So it’s week eight, we’re finally at the halfway mark of the semester. Hopefully, things are going well. But be aware that we’re halfway there. So now’s the time to start thinking about some final project ideas and making sure that you’re set up for success in the second half of the semester. As always, if you have any questions, let me know. Next week is spring break. So there will be no announcements and I won’t be available a whole lot because I’m traveling to a computer science education conference, but I will watch my email as well. So please feel free to send me emails or chat on Discord and I will catch up with you as best I can. But I will see you again in a couple of weeks.