Spring '23 Week 12


Edited Transcript

Hello, and welcome to the week 12 Announcements video for CC 410 in spring 2023. This week, we’re going to shift gears a little bit and start working on a web graphical user interface instead of a traditional desktop user interface.

So we’re going to start working with data driven websites. Mainly, we’ll show you how to install a website framework into our existing projects and how to configure that. So we can generate a few pages using the data. Also, this week, you should start or continue working on your final project. We’re at week 12. So there’s only about three or four weeks left, so make sure you get started working on your final project and make progress on that. So the milestone for this week is pretty simple. We’re just going to install a web framework and set up routes controller for the web app part of our program. I show most of this in the examples. So you can almost just copy paste the code and tweak it a little bit into your project and follow along. But it allows us to build the framework for data driven websites. And we’ll actually use the menu classes that we’ve already built to generate the menu on the web programmatically, which is really cool.

Looking ahead after this, we’re going to spend some time on form data and filtering and serialization. This allows us to make our website a little bit more interactive and save the data for later. The web milestones are a little bit smaller than the previous ones. So the last three or four milestones in the class are going to be about half the size, they should take about half as much time. This is meant to give you more time to work on the final project, but also recognizing that we’re getting close to the end of the semester and your other classes might be getting busy as well. There is one last restaurant milestone that will be due on finals week. So just be aware of that there’s no final in this class, but there is a milestone that will be due. And then there’s also your final project that is due on finals week.

So we are getting ready to head to the World Wide Web. I hope everything works out well for you as we transition to web user interfaces. As always, if you have any questions, let me know otherwise, I will see you again next week.