Spring '25 Week 9


Edited Transcript

Hello and welcome to the week nine announcements video for CC 410 in spring 2025. So last week you worked on adding a basic user interface to your program and this week we’re going to work on parallel programming and event driven programming so we can actually add events to your user interface so that when you click on the buttons they will actually do something. And then at the end of this we’ll complete restaurant milestone seven where we’ll add a lot of functionality to our user interface where you can actually create items and save them in the order list on the side of your user interface.

One of the things we run into in this particular lab when we start doing unit testing with user interfaces is the limited memory available in Codio. I talked through some of this in the example and in the project, but if you ever have any problems with limited memory, a couple of things that you might try. We don’t have any Java students this semester but if you run into problems with Python you can go to the project menu and hit restart box in Codio that will clear out all of the memory in Codio and then refresh your browser. For Python specifically in our tox file we’re just gonna run our tests in batches. That will help reduce the memory usage of all of our unit tests. So read that very carefully. Let me know if you have any questions doing that. If you’re working outside of Codio you shouldn’t have any of these issues and you don’t have to run the tests in batches. Just put a little note in the tox file that you do that and I’ll test it locally or batch it myself when I test it for grading.

So looking ahead after that, we’ve got module 10 and 11 where we talked about adding an external library to our project and building a release version of our project and then after that we’re gonna switch over and talk about web APIs. As I’ve talked with most of you once we hit that part of the class here in about three weeks the workload drops off quite a bit so you’ve got about the last month or so of the class to have more time to work on your final project. So we’re over the halfway point. We’re getting close toward the end of the semester already so hopefully things are going well. As always if you have any questions let me know. Otherwise best of luck and I will see you again next week.