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The first criteria that Alan Kay set for an object-oriented language was encapsulation. In computer science, the term encapsulation refers to organizing code into units, which provide two primary benefits:

  • Providing a mechanism for organizing complex software
  • The ability to control access to encapsulated data and functionality

Think back to the FORTRAN EPIC model we introduced in an earlier module. All of the variables in that program were declared globally, and there were thousands of them. If we open the code today, could we even find where a variable was declared? Initialized? Used? Could we be sure that we found all the spots it was used?

Also, how easily could we determine what part of the system a particular block of code belonged to? If we knew the program involved modeling hydrology (how water moves through the soils), weather, erosion, plant growth, plant residue decomposition, soil chemistry, planting, harvesting, and chemical applications, could we find the code for each of those processes?

Recall from our discussion on the growth of computing that, as computers grew more powerful, we looked to use them in more powerful ways. The EPIC project grew from that desire - if we could model all the aspects influencing how well a crop grows, then we could use that to make better decisions in agriculture. Likewise, if we could model the processes involved in weather, we could help save lives by predicting dangerous storms! A century ago, the only way to know a tornado was coming when you heard its roaring winds approaching your home. Now we have warnings that conditions are favorable to produce one hours in advance! This is all thanks to our ability to use computers to model some very complex systems.

How do we go about writing those complex systems? We probably wouldn’t want to follow the model that the EPIC software gives us. And, thankfully, neither did most software developers at the time - so computer scientists set out to define better ways to write programs. David Parnas formalized some of the best ideas emerging from those efforts in his 1972 paper “On the Criteria To Be Used in Decomposing Systems into Modules”. 1

A data structure, its internal linkings, accessing procedures and modifying procedures are part of a single module.

Here he suggests organizing code into modules that group related variables and the procedures that operate upon them. For the EPIC module, this might mean all the code related to weather modeling would be moved into its own module. That means that if we needed to understand how weather was being modeled, we only had to look at the weather module.

They are not shared by many modules as is conventionally done.

Here he is laying the foundations for the concept we now call scope - the concept that a particular symbol (a variable or function name) is accessible only in certain locations within a program’s code. By limiting access to variables to the scope of a particular module, only code in that module can change the value. That way, we can’t accidentally change a variable declared in the weather module from somewhere else, like the soil chemistry module. This would be a very hard error to find, because if the weather module doesn’t seem to be working, that’s where we would probably spend our time looking for the error.

Programmers of the time referred to this practice as information hiding, as we “hid” parts of the program from other parts of the program. Parnas and his peers pushed for not just hiding the data, but also how the data was manipulated. By hiding these implementation details, they could prevent programmers who were used to the globally accessible variables of early programming languages from looking into our code and using a variable that we might change in the future.

The sequence of instructions necessary to call a given routine and the routine itself are part of the same module.

As the actual implementation of the code is hidden from other parts of the program, a mechanism for sharing controlled access to some part of that module in order to use it needed to be made. An interface, for example, that describes how the other parts of the program might trigger some behavior or access some value.

  1. D. L. Parnas, “On the criteria to be used in decomposing systems into modules” Communications of the ACM, Dec. 1972. ↩︎