Web Frameworks

Content Note

Much of the content in this page was adapted from Nathan Bean’s CIS 400 course at K-State, with the author’s permission. That content is licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA license.

Video Materials

As web sites became web applications, developers began looking to use ideas and techniques drawn from traditional software development. These included architectural patterns like Model-View-Controller (MVC) and Pipeline that simply were not possible with the server page model. The result was the development of a host of web frameworks across multiple programming languages, including:

  • Ruby on Rails, which uses the Ruby programming language and adopts a MVC architecture
  • Laravel, which uses the PHP programming language and adopts a MVC architecture
  • Django, which uses the Python programming language and adopts a MVC architecture
  • Express, which uses the Node implementation of the JavaScript programming language and adopts the Pipeline architecture
  • Revel, which uses the Go programming language and adopts a Pipeline architecture
  • Cowboy, which uses the erlang programming language and adopts a Pipeline architecture
  • Phoenix, which uses the elixir programming language, and adopts a Pipeline architecture

Spring and Flask

In this course, we’re going to explore a lightweight web framework that was built for our chosen language:

Both of these frameworks are very powerful, but most importantly, they are extremely flexible and allow us to structure our web application in a way that makes sense for our needs.

On the next pages, we’ll dive a bit deeper into how these web frameworks handle web requests and generate appropriate responses for them.